What’s the vision and mission of eOceans? 

Why? Ocean assets are valued at $24 trillion – this is a fraction of what it should be following decades of overexploitation and misuse, which have eroded ocean health.

Vision? eOceans envisions an ocean where life is bountiful and threats are diminished, and where communities and the blue economy thrive with collaborative, informed, and real-time decision making.

Mission? eOceans enables dynamic, collaborative, transparent, science-based, and informed decisions and actions by connecting data and results with all ocean stakeholders and rightsholders.

How? eOceans aims to gather and process 1 billion observations a day and to generate 1 million analytics per month, and to share results with billions of people who make decisions that impact the ocean every day. 

Theory of change? Through these collaborative opportunities and united decisions, collective actions can be made to improve ocean health and community resilience to change. 

Moto? For the ocean. For us.

Solving a massive problem? Everything we know about the world’s ocean and its influence on society depends on the important discoveries made by marine scientists. The problem is that science is manual, siloed, and slow — lagging years to decades behind business, society, and ocean change. These delays cost billions of dollars and threaten communities, the blue economy, and ocean health. eOceans is fixing this by reinventing the way ocean science and communication is done, making it real-time, collaborative, and accessible to all.