Your ultimate power tool.

Move fast. Spend your time where it matters. eOceans puts a million-dollar data science and public relations tool in your pocket—helping you work smarter, scale impact, and stay ahead in a rapidly changing environment.

Explainer | Book Demo | Spec sheet

Results 80% faster, better, easier—Focus on what truly matters.

Streamline workflows, generate actionable data, results, reports, break down silos, and foster collaborations to drive informed, timely decisions.

Person with binoculars in forest looking up.
Scientist looking through a  large camera with a zoom lens taking a picture.
Scientist on beach with ocean in the background looking at a rescued seal that's being released.
Two scientists looking towards a computer, pointing and discussing the results.
Ship captain and two scientists on a vessel looking over a map.
Team of scientists in silhouette on a beach during sunset, jumping to cheer about their success.
Snorkeler taking a picture of a hammerhead shark.
Table showing the steps of science to reports —data quality, data management, data analysis, GIS, publication.

What jobs can the eOceans app do for you? 

Every project needs data quality, quantity, management and formatting for interoperability. It also needs analysis, visualisations, reports, and dissemination. Each of these parts requires different skillsets and softwares, taking a significant amount of your time, resources, and efforts. Efforts that could be better spent elsewhere. Use eOceans for some or all of these parts.

It all begins with a project objective.

Laptop showing the eOceans dashboard.

Built for teamwork

Invite your team—scientists, rangers, guardians, colleagues, fishers, observers, field staff, the public, and more—to contribute data to your project. As they do, the results come to life in your dashboard.

Launch your project in under an hour.

To get started, it’s as simple as filling out a form that defines your goals.

Icon of a map saying "Define area boundaries".
Diagram of a person with species and text saying "Choose project targets".
Clock icon with text "Specify data & analyses.

Upload data — Seamless. Effortless. Actionable insights, today.

Simply add data and eOceans effortlessly generates clean spreadsheets, visualizations, and reports. You can also use it to facilitate ethical collaborations, education, capacity sharing, and co-interpretation when needed.

Two part image: on the left says "add your data" with images of a spreadsheet, sensor and mobile app; an arrow points to the right. On the right it states "Your results, reports, dissemination" with an image of a computer showing the eOceans desktop.

Scalable, affordable, off-the-shelf analysis.

With eOceans, effortlessly track all the metrics that matter to you.

People icon with text "People, Effort, Interest".
Icon with leaves, text saying "Metrics".
Icon with a map and graph and text saying "Trends".

Experience the full power of eOceans.

Use the app and platform to magically manage and process your data.

Diagram with a CSV connecting to the eOceans logo and then to the eOceans dashboard.

Magic Uploads

Upload existing data to your project, and it come to life — extend time series, provide baselines.

Diagram with a CSV connecting to the eOceans logo and then to the eOceans dashboard.

Data Downloads

Output your project’s data and metadata in a clean, interoperable format for archives, self-analysis.

Break silos.

Standardize and unify data with eOceans for holistic socio-ecological analysis.

School of spawning salmon.

Biodiversity — any species

Offshore wind farm.

Human activities — any activity

Sea turtle dead and mangled in lost fishing gear.

Anthropogenic — any threats